The Southwest Research Institute offers the SwRI Workbench for Offline Robotics Development for motion-planning applications.
SwRI deploys autonomous shuttle for campus tours
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) has deployed a 14-passenger shuttle to give tours and collect data at its campus on San Antonio.
SwRI creates cyber threat detection system
The team used algorithms originally developed to scan Controller Area Network bus networks used in automotive hardware.
SwRI demos drone autonomy inside nuclear power plant
SwRI’s drone was tasked with entering Austria’s Zwentendorf Nuclear Power Plant and detecting radiation sources without the aid of a human pilot or previous knowledge of the environment.
Advanced automation using ROS, UV disinfection robots using 3D vision to be discussed in RoboBusiness Direct
In his RoboBusiness Direct session, Matthew Robinson, ROS-Americas program manager at the Southwest Research Institute, will discuss how the Robot Operating System can aid safe advanced automation. In addition, a DreamVu robotics expert will break out how omnidirectional 3D vision can benefit disinfection robots.
8 new manufacturing automation projects picked by ARM Institute for $7.5M in funding
The Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing, or ARM, Institute has selected eight new projects focusing on high-value ways to empower U.S. manufacturers using robotics and automation.
SwRI’s Collaborative Robotics Laboratory Much More Than Branding Exercise
With the launch of the Collaborative Robotics Laboratory, the Southwest Research Institute solidifies its position as a leader for R&D and project work for groups adopting ROS and collaborative robots for industrial work. Synopsis On August 14, 2018, the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), a non-profit applied research and development organization located in San Antonio, Texas,…