KettyBot Pro’s new features include a larger screen for personalized advertising, cameras for navigation, and smart tray inspection.
Pudu Robotics CEO predicts that service robot market will expand
Pudu Robotics, a leading service robot exporter in China, says that demand and applications are likely to expand globally.
CIRQ+CLEAN disinfects hotel rooms while connected to the cloud, smart systems
CIRQ+CLEAN is a cloud-enabled disinfection robot intended to help restore public confidence in the hospitality industry.
PropTech provides an open frontier for hardware entrepreneurs
PropTech, or the application of robots, drones, and related technologies to property management, is gaining traction with real estate managers and investors.
Human in the loop key to unstructured operations, says Cognicept
Cognicept Systems is offering telerobotics for centralized troubleshooting robots so that robotics startups don’t have to dedicate resources to