Five years in the making, MIT’s autonomous floating vessels get a size upgrade and learn a new way to communicate aboard the waters.
MIT creates tactile-reactive robot gripper that manipulates cables
MIT CSAIL created a system that uses two robotic gripper with soft sensitive fingers to handle cables with unprecedented dexterity.
UVC robot built by MIT CSAIL disinfects Greater Boston Food Bank
Using ultraviolet light, a UVC robot developed by MIT and Ava Robotics can disinfect a warehouse floor in half an hour. It could one day be used in grocery stores, schools, and other public spaces
MIT gives soft robotic gripper better sense of touch and perception
MIT researchers built a soft robotic gripper that uses embedded cameras and deep learning to enable tactile sensing and awareness of its positions and movements.
‘Conduct-A-Bot’ system uses muscle signals to control drones
Albert Einstein famously postulated that “the only real valuable thing is intuition,” arguably one of the most important keys to understanding intention and communication. But intuitiveness is hard to teach – especially to a machine. Looking to improve this, a team from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) came up with a method…